Monday, 5 August 2013

How will you look to your future with confidence

 If you have a stable mood and you have no immediate goals you wish to work on, then would you give up self help? The answer would be no. However you may be able to tailor the use of the techniques to fit in with your preferences. There are two elements to this strategy.
-          Don’t stop self – regulation or any key approach that has really been of benefit. Try to identify the minimum number of techniques you are prepared to continue using, and then push yourself to keep them going. This is important as you need to feel able to increase the use of these or similar techniques in response to change. lack of practice may reduce your confidence in using the technique when under stress
-          Awareness of the key features of your mood swings and the associated symptoms and problems.
-          Recognizing your relapse signature or when your problems are escalating
-          Taking early action to deal with problems or potential relapses , including seeking help from others
-          Try not to panic or castastrophize; stay as a calm as you can, and reflect on what has happened
-          Try to answer the following questions :
: What negative automatic thoughts may be contributing to how you are feeling?
: can you write down any automatic thoughts, and can you challenge the most powerful thoughts?
: What underlying beliefs may have been activated?
: write down the techniques that you might use at the moment like activity scheduling, calming activities, and problem-solving.
: are there any behavioral or cognitive strategies that you could use to help you cope with this situation?
Dealing with any negative thoughts and feelings is particularly important, as this may clarify what the real issues are and allow you to work out what steps you need to take next.
: overcoming low self –esteem through
-developing a realistic appraisal of your strengths and weakness
Reducing self criticism
-reducing reliance on the views of others
Testing out alternative views of yourself

Overcoming poor self image that arises as a consequence of mood swings by trauma minimization –applying personal first aid to deal with like, grief and loss, guilt and shame, stigma. Developing strong relationships through clear communication, asserting yourself, sharing responsibility if you choose. Developing life goals that are specific and realistic, clearly defined in terms of steps or sub-goals, recorded on a time schedule, having awareness of mood swings, recognizing symptoms and problems, taking early action, setting up therapy session with yourself, dealing effectively with setbacks. 

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