Monday, 5 August 2013

Girls and Boys React in Different Ways

It is often seen that adolescent girls and boys communicate in different ways . Girls often talk to each others heads is to share their feelings and experiences directly. Teenage boys tend to study their peers more indirectly, by discussing opinions of more abstract phenomena, like sports or music. it is  also tempting to speculate that linguistic differences also affect  how teenagers interact with their parents.

when parents impose some heinous new restriction on their teenage offspring's liberty, girls react with long articulate arguments challenging the perceived injustice,whereas boys express their rebellion by simply defying the new restriction and then mutely accepting any resulting parental retribution and then mutely accepting any resulting parental retribution.Maybe the screams and sulks of adolescence should be see fossil evidence of our species quest for superiority .adolescence is not only elaborate and protracted set of bodily changes, but even more importantly it is most crucial phase in the ponderous and demanding development of the huge human brain. adolescent brain are special because it is site of spectacular restructuring. the emotional, cognitive and linguistic changes of adolescence make it the central part of human life plan-this is the cerebral crossroads at which all the aspects of our mental life meet .
 However Teenagers change so fast that their life can become precarious balancing act-and we see that this makes them intrinsically unstable when confronted with drugs, relationships and sex.Many of the things teenagers do are just harmless investigation of the world around them, but others can be repercussions that will live with them rest of their many developed countries the most common causes of teenage death are accidents,homicide and suicide.clearly things can go very wrong . teenagers can pay an enormous price for being the pinnacle of human evolution .

Complexity in life gone through by Teenagers

  If there is one thing society expects teenagers to do, it is to develop their mental skills. We human cherish our advanced thought processes for good reason: we have created a world in which our success is often determined not by crude physical effort, but by our ability to solve intellectual practical and social problems. Considering how much importance we attach to higher mental function in teenagers, teenagers think differently from children; and teenagers body mature faster than their brains.
 Defining intelligence is almost impossible .Many people’s intelligence lies in their ability to analyse themselves, capitalize on their strengths, remedy their weakness and interact with others. This has led to more general theories of intelligence, emphasizing things such as ability to succeed in ones social context or in one’s own opinion. And for us too, it might be best to take a very flexible approach to intelligence in teenagers. For sake of argument intelligence is the end product of cognition- our mental ability to approach and solve problems, but teenagers do start to tackle many mental tasks that children’s simply cannot attempt. They can create and manipulate abstract concepts, cope with shades OF grey in arguments, generate novel argument based on initial assumption, approach task methodically and set themselves distant goal. They also do powerful  feat of analysing their own thought processes-generating their own ideals, criticising and improving their own thinking and analysing their own worth, they develop strong social dimension to their thinking, analyse relationship verbally articulate all their new thoughts to others and metalize-create mental models about how other people think .
we do not become fully mentally human until we are teenagers  because powers of self-analysis and metallization develop during adolescence, it is tempting to suggest that they are characteristics which humans could evolve only once  we had evolved teenagers, several thousand years ago . Self analysis and metallization can come to obsess teenagers to a point at which they can no longer function in society, the teenagers develop many of their cognitive abilities like the ability to ignore irrelevant information and process salient data reaches adult-like levels early in the teenage years; but not until nineteen or so do we fully develop our ability to hold many competing , interacting concepts  in our mind once, also the speed at which we can interpret the emotions expressed in the human face is actually lower in the early teens than in either children’s or adults.
Teenagers become fluent in the ‘formal operations’ of physical entities before they can do the same for analysing social relationships, raising the fascinating possibility that scientists may become intellectually mature before artists do. Establishing cognition is important, establishing goals and the satisfaction of achieving them are very important in human cognition and more important is the ability to change tack: once a goal is set, we retain the ability to set it aside temporarily and work towards other goals if necessary. For example, injury of the prefrontal cortex can lead to a tendency to persevere excessively with tasks, when sensible things do is   to disengage and concentrate on something else for a while .teenagers learns to separate wanted and unwanted ideas and focus on their work. It seems teenagers mind are often more creatively free than adults and this may explain their creative leaps in fields as diverse as mathematics and popular music’s.

The teenage years are time of beautiful mental experiments, when many of us decide who we are and where we are going. And working memory which allows teenagers to achieve this. An important feature of teenage language is the ability to linguistically manipulate other people, and the new found ability to metalize means that this manipulation is often mutual and consensual. Teenagers starts to gossip and tease and they soon learn the difference between doing these things with affection and with malice. Humor and manipulation become teenagers favorite way of getting inside other peoples head –testing the boundaries of what others peoples will or will not accept. and of course flirting is the most delightfully elaborate form of teenage communication one is which all the post –childhoods skills are brought to bear- humor, teasing, tone, style astounding feats of circumlocution. Another striking adolescent linguistic change relates to the way that teenagers start to communicate less with their families and more with their peers. They develop novel form of communication for different social situations. The most important of these is the language they use in social group with other teenagers –like slang, idioms, in –joke and codes. So teenagers are not learning language, but they are learning how to use it. Human language is complex-as complex as the human brain can comprehend-and adolescence is where that complexity starts, one effect of this is that abnormalities of language such as dyslexia starts to become more apparent in teenagers , even if they were ‘ hidden’ during childhood. Thus we can conclude that teenage years goes through very complex stage which can bring complexity in both physical , mental and emotional condition of a person thus it is the stage when we should not become too hyper when this changes are taking place instead we should keep ourselves calm and let these changes happen and take it i a positive way  and take necessary steps to bring improvement in us in next stage .

How will you look to your future with confidence

 If you have a stable mood and you have no immediate goals you wish to work on, then would you give up self help? The answer would be no. However you may be able to tailor the use of the techniques to fit in with your preferences. There are two elements to this strategy.
-          Don’t stop self – regulation or any key approach that has really been of benefit. Try to identify the minimum number of techniques you are prepared to continue using, and then push yourself to keep them going. This is important as you need to feel able to increase the use of these or similar techniques in response to change. lack of practice may reduce your confidence in using the technique when under stress
-          Awareness of the key features of your mood swings and the associated symptoms and problems.
-          Recognizing your relapse signature or when your problems are escalating
-          Taking early action to deal with problems or potential relapses , including seeking help from others
-          Try not to panic or castastrophize; stay as a calm as you can, and reflect on what has happened
-          Try to answer the following questions :
: What negative automatic thoughts may be contributing to how you are feeling?
: can you write down any automatic thoughts, and can you challenge the most powerful thoughts?
: What underlying beliefs may have been activated?
: write down the techniques that you might use at the moment like activity scheduling, calming activities, and problem-solving.
: are there any behavioral or cognitive strategies that you could use to help you cope with this situation?
Dealing with any negative thoughts and feelings is particularly important, as this may clarify what the real issues are and allow you to work out what steps you need to take next.
: overcoming low self –esteem through
-developing a realistic appraisal of your strengths and weakness
Reducing self criticism
-reducing reliance on the views of others
Testing out alternative views of yourself

Overcoming poor self image that arises as a consequence of mood swings by trauma minimization –applying personal first aid to deal with like, grief and loss, guilt and shame, stigma. Developing strong relationships through clear communication, asserting yourself, sharing responsibility if you choose. Developing life goals that are specific and realistic, clearly defined in terms of steps or sub-goals, recorded on a time schedule, having awareness of mood swings, recognizing symptoms and problems, taking early action, setting up therapy session with yourself, dealing effectively with setbacks.