Wednesday 1 May 2013

Welcome to my blog share your problems and get a solution to that

HELLO friends Welcome to my blog .Well this blog is about the Problems + Solutions .How do u define a problem .Problem can be anything which can be related t psychological problem , disturbance of your mental peace of mind , your sufferance , your approach to society ,your family problem , love affairs, so on and so forth , its unlimited . It keeps on increasing every single day , even every minutes , seconds , hours and then your mind get blocked by thinking about all the negative things of the day . Many a times we think that it's only Me who is facing this problem and no one else , but to be true when we communicate with others we come to know that it's not only us but even others are facing the same thing either in small package or big package , different people have different way to tackle their problem , for some it get solved while for others it don't .Rather than thinking about your problems in your mind and drawing all kind of  negative predictions while thinking about that it's better if u share your thoughts with others an d see what others have opinion about it . Believe  your half of the burden gets relief when you communicate with others and rather than being conservative you open up your thoughts , your felling about yourself even change , many a times it happens that people draws negative character sketch about themselves and think that they are the worst person and that's y they are suffering from those problems , but  when we learn how to accept even the worst things and give a positive approach to those problems then your tension is gone . So lets try how it works , post your problem , stories of your life and find out how many people have almost the same story , how did they solve their problem and what views and opinion do they have about your problems .
www.shreom.blogspot.comHAVE A NICE AND PEACEFUL DAY AHEAD :) :)