Parents Mentality VS Their Child's mentality
Few days back I met a girl I assume her age to be between 18-19
years, I met her while i was travelling in a train, she was looking very depressed,
as usual i wanted to know the reason behind her silent tears, once I had
started speaking to her we both have become very friendly and I asked her the
reason behind her depressed mood. “ family “ and “ parents “, “ society” these three words where mentioned by her as a answer , when we further moved on with this conversation
I came to know more about her problem
with “family” , “ parents” “ friends” and society .
Maximum of the students they face the problem of communication gap between their “ parents” and
“ family” and this problem arises more
with parents when parents don’t change themselves with the changing society and
become liberal , as because parents only belief that they are in high position
they have seen world more and far better
than what their children’s do in this way they underestimate their children that
they don’t know what world and real life is and so they should do whatever
their parents say them as “ parents are right and children’s are wrong “ –
according to parents .Due to this reason children’s builds up a irritating
nature towards their parents by not listening to them and doing whatever they
feel like thus until and unless parents try to view the situation according to
their children’s view this communication will not end keep on increasing .
Whatever a child desires to do is either supported my most parents
but in maximum cases parents forces their children to choose such a career
option which a child does not like and afterwards when they do bad results parents
blame their child for their results and compares them with other child and
demoralizes them , which gives rise to negative feeling in child’s mind and slowly
they start assuming their parents as their as they had created all the problem
in their life , the same was the problem
with this girl .in this modern generation if parents keep up with their
conserved nature towards children then it becomes problem , in some family I
have seen that parents use slang language
to their child if they find their child speaking late night , coming
home late , wearing western clothes , or speaking to boys , now this kind of
nature bring a kind of irritation in the mind of teenagers ,a s they live in
the modern era there is no pint of making such kind of restriction in life as
in any work area , or in group of
friends its very common speaking to boys , going out with them , coming to home late night due to burden of work , as
the children’s find that children’s are not being able to understand them
properly they stop sharing anything relating to their personal life with their
parents and keeps hiding situation and fights with the problem within
themselves , which sometimes leads to depression .
Sometimes “family problem” like there is no compatibility
between father and mother , or more attention is given to the elder sibling
than younger one builds up a gap between children’s and families and thus in
this situation children’s prefer spending most of the time outside house , they
like to stay alone and speak less to anyone in the family and sometimes parents
have problem with these even and start making their own imagination behind this
kind of children’s nature , which make them more depressive .
When does a child starts hiding things with their parents:
When they notice that their mentality does not
match with their parents mentality
When they notice that their parents have the
habit of putting restriction in whatever they do
When they notice that their parents have negative view of whatever they
do , some families are so conservative that they have restriction in what kind
of dress they wear , where they go , why
they go to parties , why they are roaming around with boy in case of girls and
girls in case of boys
If parents are not liberal and open minded then children’s
does not like to discuss their personal life with their parents as they know
that their parents will make their own imaginative conclusion and will raise question
on the character of their child and use slang languages.
-sometimes it is seen that boys/
girls gets into habit of drinking and smoking firstly some do this to just
enjoy their life, some do it because of excess career pressure and some do it
just to show that they have a cool nature and others gets into this habit as
when they see that their parents have a habit of blaming them for bad things
even if they live a simple life then children’s think that it’s better to get
indulged in this habits.
How parents and children’s should
should handle this situation:
-parents should not force their
child to choose a stream, career which they do not want to ,once a child
reaches the age of 18 he / she has the whole right to make their own choice and
decision and choose their career , at the age of 18 this becomes their legal
right and they are well matured to understand what is right and wrong or them .
moreover parents should be more liberal and open mind with their children’s and
try to understand their children’s mentality rather than comparing them with someone
else child , parents should not apply excess control over their children’s as
this arouse negative feeling in child’s mind , moreover parents do not give
birth to child to fulfil their dreams
but every child is born with their own new dreams and thus their dreams and
their parents are different so parents should not force their child to fulfil the dream what their parents want , applying
to much restriction in child’s life make a children’s enemy towards their
parents .and moreover boys/ girls if they have self confidence in themselves
then they won’t rely o the decision of their parents or think about what others
will think about them , f u have self confidence then without bothering
anything they will complete their aim in life .
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