Thursday 9 May 2013


Love a word  which takes every teenage girl to their dreamworld . It starts from this age itself.When we grow up and reach the age of puberty,our minds and emotions react in different ways , our desires and expectations increases, our wants from life increases.It is this time when opposite  attraction between girls and boys takes place .

 Initially we consider them as friends but as days  , months , years passes by we consider them more than our friends and become emotionally attached o them .What is this "special" emotions which attracts us towards each other and we feel more close to them than our parents with whom we had spend more than 14 years of relationship .Maybe it is about sharing your feelings which is mainly kept as secrets from our parents , there are loads  of things which we don't share with them as we know that they will react negatively about it and this builds a gap and we start sharing our problems with friends  who console us and behaves like a good listener without reacting in the same manner as our parents does , they makes us feel happy even in the sad situation  an as they understand our feeling e become close to them.

Thus when a new person knocks in our life we think more about him, gather all our memories starting from small pranks to laughing , giggling , sharing secrets and moreover when we think about the situation when he used to support  us we get deep into the thought and think more about him/her and it is this time when we enjoy music , even those music which we never used to like , we get lost in other world while thinking about them and it is this age when other people think that it must be a matter of bf or gf which has led to the change in behavior . It is only this moment when we enjoy reading love story and start dreaming about our love story our " dream boy " , marriage and the dream continuously grows up . 

Some people get into a relationship too early and some bit late . Its is this time when they get into a relationship they have to face loads of ups and downs in life , some gets positive vibes and some get negative vibes they faces problems of permanent breakup , cheating , backstabbing , get ditched ad becomes lonely, when this loneliness captures the mind of people they get into habits of drinking, smoking and becomes depressed and frustrated with life and it is this time when maturity comes and the term " don't trust anyone "comes into play ,play of emotions takes place , when we are in this age we forget about choosing the right person as to deciding who is genuine person and who is not  and most of the time we realize it very late that it was not love , but it was a game where either the boy or the girl was changed like clothes and all this worst situation pulls us down , facing lack of concentration , emotional break down and failure in career. 
Well every worst situation makes a people more strong , after facing the emotional failure some people become more strong and some suffer and try to find emotional support , which is not always available in true sense .
Whereas the are some love stories where the 3 words of love are yet unspoken it still haunts them in their mind , life goes on but they don't forget the image of their love whom they were not  able to confess , now this was the true love where the person remained in his mind and the love dint die they  still find happiness by just having a glimpse of that person , not confessing your love happens mainly due to ego problem or the fear of hearing " no".

The only Solution to fight such kind of problem is 1: Maintain a distance 2: don't get emotional attached to anyone 3: don't hide your feeling within yourself it's better to hear " no"  than getting  overcrowded by thoughts , guilt and regrets 4:be a good observer 5: don't trust anyone completely 6; don't expect any thing from relationship as it will lead to emotional breakdown 6: don't be so imaginative about a relationship as it is very uncertain 7:Get more involved with your work so that you are not driven away by the thoughts of your past 8: don't be a emotional fool 9: why to think of so many people when ultimately you will have one husband and still the change in time  and nature of person ( changing nature of person is uncertain) will make you realize  one day that you have to live your life , fight with your life alone .

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